Welcome to River Valley!
We provide software as a service (SaaS) to process documents with research content, particularly with heavy math. Our software and service cope with the cloud based computing of the digital age.
We are passionate about open and community supported standards in document processing and use free and opensource software for our development without getting locked up in vendor oriented proprietary software.
Services readily available
TEXFolio is a complete journal production system that will be needed for publishers
and text processing companies engaged in academic journal publishing. TEXFolio is
available as software as a service. [Read more ...]
Neptune is a proofing framework for LATEX authors that assists to see track
changes, edit or change any object, generate proofs instantaneously and download the
same, etc., all in the cloud with browser as the sole software needed at the client side.
[Read more ...]
LATEX3 is the standard programming environment for TEX in River Valley
Technologies. It has, indeed, revolutionized TEX programming, the newer paradigms
and methodologies drive our custom libraries. [Read more ...]
Typesetting heritage books is a service offered to typeset very old books for printing
and also to read the same in various reading devices.
Forthcoming services
The following services are on the final stages of development and will be made available during end of 2019 or early 2020.
Janos is a proofing framework meant for authors who have submitted their articles
in word-processor formats. It provides a WYSIWYG interface to edit and validate
sources and view and authorize the PDF for publishing. It will incorporate all the
features available in Neptune for LATEX authors.
Journal production is a service provided to publishers of academic content with
expertise ranging from LATEX based production or XML based production
Pandemonium is a complete framework in the cloud to author, submit, review,
typeset, publish, host and archive. It is provided as a service.
XML to PDF is a service provided to publishers who need to generate PDFoutput
from their archived content in the form of XML. The service is tailor made as per the
styles and formats needed for each journal.
Stripins are the tiny image files for math formulae and equations in a document for
use with browsers that do not support MathML rendering.
Tagged PDF from XML is a service to provide accessible PDF from XML with
complex content.
LaTeX document profiling is a service extended to academic publishers. It provides
an automated detection of complexity factor; adherence to standards set out by the
publisher; technical quality index; author index based on previous publications, etc.,
for easy evaluation of acceptance factor. [Read more ...]